Health and Safety Consultancy Retainer Services
We have different levels of service to suit your needs and budget. Our Retainer Package offers the most comprehensive and cost-effective option, including a Free Audit.

Retainer Advice Service
Our Retainer Package includes:
Free audit
As a new client, you’ll enjoy a free full audit of your existing systems (where applicable) plus receive relevant templates to fill the gaps and an email signature add on that gives your clients assurance that you have a health and safety professional on board.
Advice service
We offer an unlimited advice service available by phone or email regarding your H&S requirements and obligations. Available 9am-5pm, Mondays to Fridays (except public and bank holidays).
Health & Safety updates
The laws and regulations governing Health & Safety (H&S) are complex and constantly evolving. CHSP’s professional memberships ensure that we are kept up to date so we can regularly inform you of changes via email, safety alerts and newsletters.
Monthly KPI scores and reports
While our site inspections are charged separately at an hourly rate, this package provides at no extra cost monthly scores and reports on a client’s premises and site inspection reports.
Review of client’s H&S policies
We provide an annual review of your Health & Safety policies to make sure they are up to date and still fit for purpose.
Support for pre-qualification needs
You’ll have telephone support and advice for pre-qualification questionnaires and safety qualification schemes such as the Construction Health and Safety Scheme (CHAS), Safety Management Advisory Service (SMAS) and Achilles.
Other packages
We have other combinations of services. Contact us to find what package is best for you.

Other available support:
CDM Advice
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015 aims to improve health and safety in the industry. CHSP can help you to make sure you are aware of all the CDM requirements, including having workers with the right skills, knowledge, training and experience, contractors providing appropriate supervision, instruction and information, a written construction phase plan, and whether a project needs to be notified to the HSE.
Drafting & Implementation of Policies and Procedures
We not only review your H&S policies and procedures, but can also help you to draft new ones as needed. We collate all the relevant material into a coherent plan that ensures the most efficient implementation.
Appointed Advisor
Under the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, you must have an appointed person such as an External Health and Safety Advisor. We can act as your appointed person under a Retainer Advice Service at an affordable rate.
Accidents and Incidents
Need someone to assist with an emergency incident and to liaise with the HSE? We can be on hand to offer support.
Contact us to see how we can meet your H&S needs.